Pattern: Bed Jacket from Knitting Lingerie Style by Joan McGowan-Michael.
Size: I knit 39 in a slightly larger gauge to get a 42 bust.
Yarn: Cascade Sierra (80% cotton, 20% wool) 7 skeins in ivory
Modifications: Other than the gauge, I knit the sleeves to 16.5 inches, 3 inches longer so the flare fell mid arm rather than right above the elbow. No other modifications.
This is the best sleeve seaming I have ever done.
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton in Fawn - 3 skeins
Size: Small
Mods: None, knit as written
I had a little trouble with the neckline. You bind off the neck stitches, pick up stitches along the neck edge and then bind them off on the purl row. Essentially you have two bind off rows next to each other. The neck edge bind off doesn't cover the bind off stitches on the inside. It took 5 tries but I finally got one that looked OK and a good blocking also helped. If I were making this for myself, I would crochet the neckline and sleeves rather than the pick up and bind off the pattern calls for.